PiezoWave Therapy (PWT) is one of the cutting-edge procedures that Dr. Babette offers through her services. PiezoWave Therapy goes by other names such as Acoustic Wave Therapy, shockwave therapy, or Extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT), and has been used in human medicine for numerous conditions and for many years. Typically many athletes or active patients utilize PWT as a regenerative practice. Within the animal world, the treatment is commonly used in equine medicine. PiezoWave Therapy has been successful in humans and animals at alleviating and promoting the healing of musculoskeletal aggravated areas. PWT is a non-invasive procedure designed at relieving pain and promoting healing.
PWT has had numerous documented studies showing its benefit and effectiveness as a treatment. PiezoWave treatment consists of localized shockwaves consisting of expansive powerful pulses which have short frequencies. Within this process, there is an exchange of negative pressures and a return to normal pressure. Symptoms and pain can be reduced as soon as the first treatment, but in most cases for successful treatment, regular interval sessions are necessary. Following PWT treatment specific aggravation of the area, and specific movement-based therapies can be combined for successful rehabilitation.
PiezoWave Therapy can be effective at ailing against numerous discomfort and ailments, some of the treated ailments are here:
- Hip dysplasia
- Spondylosis deformans
- Tendinopathies (e.g. insertion tendinopathies of the proximal biceps tendon)
- Elbow joint dysplasia
- Knee joint arthritis
- Medial shoulder instability (lesion of the rotator cuff)
- Pseudarthrosis
- Arthritis of the metatarsophalangeal joints
- Cauda equina syndrome (compression syndrome)
- Peripheral ischemic neuromyopathy (‘bottom-hung window’ trauma)
- Tendinopathy after TPLO or TTA (management of ruptured cranial cruciate ligament in dogs)
- Hygroma
- Contracture of the infraspinatus muscle
- (and other muscle contractures)
- Calcifications/Injuries of the supraspinatus muscle
Over 20% of dogs suffer from some form of specific joint pains, which result in long-term pain and discomfort, and similarly, each year over 1.2 million dogs are needing care and attention for cruciate ligament repair. Some of the more common aggravations and ailments that pets face come from joint, muscle, and skeletal discomfort two of those specific ailments are Elbow Joint Dysplasia and Hip Dysplasia.
Elbow joint dysplasia (ED):
Elbow joint dysplasia is an umbrella term for different growth-related diseases of the elbow joint. Depending on each patient’s specific disease, pet Elbow Dysplasia can result in slight or even severe lameness and the development of joints. Acquired ED can develop as a result of extreme loading and wear, but being overweight and the wrong diet can also lead to ED
Elbow Dysplasia has hereditary roots linked to breed, but typically the disease manifests due to extreme weight-bearing typically stemming from poor diet and malnutrition. The key focus of this therapy for the pet should be focused directly on the joint, gently moving around the afflicted areas. After the therapy pets should focus on the movement of the afflicted joint and a continuous healthcare plan should be discussed
Hip dysplasia (HD):
Hip dysplasia is the term used to describe malformations of the hip joint characterized by subluxation and displacements. Similar to Elbow Dysplasia the disease is allegedly linked to hereditary factors but a poor diet and an overweight life also contribute to the severity of the effect of the disease. With PiezoWave therapy, the goal is to support the joint, by alleviating pain and aiding movement toward the affected joint and leg. The focus of the therapy should be on the join and focusing a circular motion on the therapy source, being mindful of the pain stimulus. After the completion of therapy, pets should begin activity after a few days, and activity should be monitored constantly.
PWT is an effective therapy looking to alleviate joint and Musco-skeletal pains that a pet may face. A key to the therapy is multiple sessions and beyond practice lifestyle changes. Maintaining a healthy active lifestyle and a healthy diet contribute to the overall healing process of your pet. If you’re considering PiezoWave Therapy for your pet check out Dr. Babette’s page on past patients, and for maintaining a healthy gut and GI practice Dr.Babette offers a variety of products in her shop.