Dr. Gladstein is a highly trained practitioner of acupuncture, the time-tested holistic therapy that can greatly benefit sick and injured pets. The treatments are safe and effective, and very easy on animals: many pets, especially dogs, will sleep right through their sessions.
Acupuncture can reduce pain and inflammation, and stimulate the body’s own immune system to promote natural healing. Its immune-boosting properties can also help to prevent future disease states in currently healthy pets, so it’s an excellent preventative measure. Here are just a few conditions acupuncture can help treat:
- Nervous disorders
- Traumatic nerve injury
- Respiratory problems
- Chronic nasal discharge
- Coughing and heaving
- Colic
- Gastrointestinal disturbances
- Inflammatory bowel syndrome
- Inflammatory bowel disease
The method derives from the renowned Chinese system of medicine, dating back well over 2,000 years. Practiced throughout Asia for centuries, acupuncture has been increasingly researched and applied in medical and veterinary venues since the mid 20th century.
As an ancient therapeutic system, acupuncture uses the body’s own energy field, known as Qi, to promote healing and wellness. In a healthy individual, Qi moves smoothly through the body along well-defined lines of flow, known as “meridians.”
But when the flow of Qi along these meridians is blocked or partially impaired, sickness often develops. So the goal of acupuncture is to promote health and wellness by removing these energetic blockages, restoring balance to the body’s natural flow of Qi.
In order to rebalance the body’s energy flow, a qualified acupuncturist uses very light, thin needles to manipulate the flow of Qi. When the practitioner inserts these needles at strategic points along the body’s meridians, the Qi is restored to its natural, smooth-flowing state. For chronic conditions, this may take a course of treatments spanning many visits, but for some acute conditions, rapid results are possible.
Since the needles are so light and delicate, acupuncture is considered a non-invasive procedure. Though there may be slight discomfort for some patients during the initial insertion stage, the procedure is close to pain-free for most.
Once viewed as an alternative treatment, acupuncture is now taught at some major universities and is moving into the medical mainstream for both humans and animals. Acupuncture is practiced throughout Asia as a complete healing system and makes an excellent complement to the traditional therapies of western medicine.